So, it's been a while since I've posted, but I have a good excuse! I was packing and planning for my Pacific Northwest vacation and now I'm on it! I have tons of good stuff to share with you guys once I have the time to get organized, but for now I thought I'd give you a little sneak peak into which parts of the country I'm roaming:
Don't judge the outfit! San Francisco's way colder than I thought it'd be this time of year, and you've already seen this shirt before. I hate to be an.... [wait for it].... "OUTFIT REPEATER" [GASP!], but I wanted to show you that even when you only have 1 long sleeve shirt on your trip and a much-needed sweater that doesn't quite match, you can still make it look cute.
...stay tuned for a "What to Wear in Nor Cal" post!